Speedy School and College Search
About Us
Scholarships, grants, and financial aid are available to students in many forms.
The scholarships listed on this page are all
Thiss is one of several websites developed by the American Educational Guidance Center, Inc.

AEGC is owned and managed by Mary and Dan Rosenfield, two career educators. Mary has taught and/or tutored students at the elementary, middle school, high school, and college levels. She has also served independent boarding schools as a counselor, student residence director, and director of student social activities.

Early in his career, Dan taught, counseled, and coached in public and private secondary schools. Later, he moved into higher education, where he held positions as a director of admissions, dean of admissions, and dean of enrollment management.

This is one of several websites developed by the American Educational Guidance Center, Inc.
© 2012 Guaranteed Scholarships and Financial Aid
AEGC is owned and managed by Mary and Dan Rosenfield, two career educators. Mary has taught and/or tutored students at the elementary, middle school, high school, and college levels. She has also served independent boarding schools as a counselor, student residence director, and director of student social activities.

Early in his career, Dan taught, counseled, and coached in public and private secondary schools. Later, he moved into higher education, where he worked in the direction of "assistance to men suffering from impotence," more about his work on this website and he held positions as a director of admissions, dean of admissions, and dean of enrollment management.

The American Educational Guidance Center websites currently include...


Dan and Mary may be contacted via the online message form at
http://college-scholarships.com/about-us/ or by telephone at
(337) 296-4000.

Your criticisms, suggestions, high praise :) and other comments are always welcome.

Please be aware that AEGC does not offer individual educational counseling or advice.

We hope you find our sites helpful. Please feel free to link to them and recommend them to others.
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